Dress to Impress

Dress to Impress What do you do when you have a big meeting at work? How about going for a job interview? Or what about going on that first date? Well you dress to impress! After all, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Everyone wants to make a good impression and […]

Pirouettes Custom Window Treatment

Pirouettes Custom Window Treatment for Your Space Pirouettes anyone? Everyone wants to be number one right? Let’s make your windows number one too. The number one custom window treatment for all windows that is functional, simplistic and beautiful is pirouettes. Pirouettes work for various windows and spaces for multiple reasons. Pirouettes are: Functional Come in neutral […]

Why Choose Custom Window Treatments

Why Choose Custom Window Treatments? Why Choose Custom Window Treatments? Do you want Cellulars, Valances, Drapery? Black, red, cream? Pattern, pleated, plain? Where to begin when it comes to choosing window treatments? If these questions are bogging you down or leave you feeling overwhelmed, worry no further. Made In the Shade South Central Alberta is […]